Scientific Art

Scientific Art is all the art that uses science as a purpose and as an finality, not just as a means. The themes of the artworks of Scientific Art are linked to it, because ultimately, Scientific Art is the artistic manifestation of Science. But not forget that, due to its artistic nature, complete precision is not necessary.

Scientific Art is the manifestation of science in art, accurate or imagined, whose existence is possible because of the technological advances of 21st century culture.

Paleontological Art is the one that represents periods of the Primitive Earth, focusing especially on the fauna, flora and climate of the past ages, from the flourishment of life to the emergence of the prehistoric human.

Biological Art is the one that represents existing life forms from a purely anatomical point of view. Its main models are microscopic life, such as cells, bacteria or viruses, fauna, flora and the human being.

Astronomical Art is the one that represents everything related to the universe, focusing especially on the space landscapes, representing celestial bodies, either from the outside or from the inside, as well as hypothetical extraterrestrial life adapted to the different types of planets, and the space portrait, consisting of the representation of space missions or astronauts.

Robotical Art is the one that represents everything related to technology, focusing especially on robotics, futuristic city and alien life, being its base the science fiction.

Mathematical Art is the one that represents mathematical concepts, or uses mathematics strictly, especially highlighting the use of geometry and algorithms, in addition to impossible objects, sometimes using computer programs.